Section: New Results

Use of MARTE Time Model and Logical Time in automotive design and AUTOSAR/TADL

Participants : Marie-Agnès Peraldi Frati, Julien Deantoni, Arda Goknil.

Precise timing constraint modeling and analysis [26] , [33] is a key point for the correct development of automotive electronics. EAST-ADL and AUTOSAR has been adopted as standards in automotive industry. The timing model (TADL :Time augmented Description Language) of these standards raises different issues, mainly concerning the precise modeling of the multi clock characteristics of distributed systems together with parameterized timing expressions. In the ITEA TIMMO-2-USE project [35] , we conducted a work [34] , [35] , on extending TADL with an explicit notion of multiple time bases for modeling the various temporal referentials used in an automotive design (clocks from different ECUs, motor position, etc). Additionally, timing constraints are augmented with parameters, which can be free at the highest abstraction level and then progressively defined during the design process. As a result, a symbolic timing expression in TADL2 is possibly made of a suitable set of arithmetic operators mixing symbolic identifiers (not necessarily set variables) and referring to different time bases. One typical use of this feature is to capture unknown configuration parameters for time budgeting; another one is to relate constraints in different time-bases to each other. Inherent to this work is also the study of the allowable ranges for symbolic values that are dictated by a set of constraints.